20 years of experience teaching innovative courses in game design, animation, interactive media, and emerging technologies at leading universities in the U.S. and internationally.
Northwestern University in Qatar
Classes Designed & Taught
August 2019 - Present
Mobile Game Design
2D Computer Animation
Web Design
Media Literacy for Sports
VR Game Design
Social Media Analytics
Digital Podcast Production
Sound Design
Interactive Product Design
3D Computer Animation
AI Tools for Digital Media Design
American University in Dubai
Classes Designed & Taught
August 2015 - June 2019
Fundamentals of Web Design
Online Media Production
Computer Graphics I
Computer Graphics II
Design Concepts for the Web
Social Media Optimization & the New Web
Mobile App Design & Development
Digital Podcast Production
Next Gen Interactive Entertainment
Creative Approaches to Contemporary Media
University of Wisconsin at Whitewater
Classes Designed & Taught
August 2009 - December 2012
Intro to Media Arts & Game Development
Video Fundamentals
Intro to Web Development
Social Media Optimization
Web Video & the Game Industry
New Communication Technologies
Internship Program Director
Indiana University at Bloomington
Classes Designed & Taught
Summer 2007 - Summer 2009
Web Video & the Game Industry - GameZombie TV
Developed and ran this interdisciplinary course under multiple course titles
Invited to teach the course as an Adjunct Professor at IU (Fall 2008 - Spring 2009)
Incorporated students from all over the university, (e.g. Telecom, Theatre and Dance, Fine Arts, Computer Science, Informatics, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Journalism, and English)
Grew to the largest internship program in the city of Bloomington; each semester nearly 50 students were involved in the project, (as interns, enrolled in the official course, and as volunteers)
Over 500 students participated in the GameZombie TV curriculum at Indiana University and UW-Whitewater, (2007-2012)
Ivy Tech, Bloomington
Classes Designed & Taught
Spring 2009 - Summer 2009
Game Development
Web Development
Web Graphics